Issue date: 2025-01-23T14:55+08:00
申扎县气象台2025年1月23日15时00分发布大风橙色预警信号:预计未来12小时我县及各乡镇将受阵风11~12级天气影响,其中申扎县城、卡乡、下过乡、巴扎乡阵风将达12级并可能持续,易出现扬沙天气,请加强防范。 防御措施: 1、进入防风状态,尽可能停留在室内或安全场所避风,大风天气易将悬挂物、临时搭建物吹翻吹倒,人员及牧畜须远离以上设施; 2、请相关部门注意通讯电路、户外悬挂物、帐篷等的隐患排查及加固工作,同时加强城镇、草原的防火工作; 3、大风天气易引起扬沙导致能见度降低,需注意道路交通安全。
It may be affected by strong winds within 6 hours, with average wind force reaching above 10 or gusts above 11; or already affected by strong winds, with average wind force from 10 to 11, or gusts 11 to 12 and may continue.
1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job in anti-gale emergency according to their duties;
2. Elementary and middle schools and units with relatively weak wind resistance should suspend classes and business, and reduce the number of people going out;
3. On-water operations in relevant waters and passing ships shall return to the port to avoid wind, strengthen port facilities, and prevent ships from anchoring,grounding and collision;
4. Cut off dangerous power sources, properly arrange outdoor objects that are easily affected by strong winds, and cover building materials;
5. Airports, railways, highways, water transportation and other units should take measures to ensure traffic safety, and relevant departments and units should pay attention to forest and grassland fire prevention.