Jilin - China   2025-02-05   Wednesday   42.87N, 130.37E


Jilin - China


Issue date: 2025-02-05T10:23+08:00

珲春市气象台2月5日10时23分发布大风蓝色预警信号:目前,珲春市部分乡镇已出现8级大风。预计未来24小时,我市仍有4~5级偏西风,局地阵风可达8级或以上。市应急管理局、市气象局联合提醒注意做好防范工作。 防御指南: 1.政府及相关部门按照职责做好防大风工作; 2.关好门窗,加固围板、棚架、广告牌等易被风吹动的搭建物,妥善安置易受大风影响的室外物品,遮盖建筑物资; 3.行人尽量少骑自行车,刮风时不要在广告牌、临时搭建物等下面逗留。


It may be affected by strong winds within 24 hours, with an average wind force of 6 or higher, or gusts of 7 or higher; or it has been affected by strong winds, with an average wind of 6-7, or 7-8 gusts and may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job of preventing gale in accordance with their duties;

2. Close doors and windows, reinforce hoardings, scaffolds, billboards and other structures that are easily blown by the wind, properly arrange outdoor objects that are easily affected by high winds, and cover building materials;

3. Water operations in relevant waters and passing ships take active countermeasures, such as returning to the port to avoid wind or sailing in a detour, etc.;

4. Pedestrians should avoid riding bicycles as much as possible, and do not stay under billboards, temporary structures, etc. when the wind is blowing;

5. Relevant departments and units pay attention to the fire prevention of forests and grasslands.