Tibet - China   2025-02-27   Thursday   29.27N, 88.89E


Tibet - China


Issue date: 2025-02-27T16:36+08:00

西藏日喀则市气象台2025年2月27日17时30分发布暴雪黄色预警信号: 预计:2月28日08时至3月1日08时,日喀则市西部和南部有小到中雪(雨),局地有大雪(雨),仲巴南部至定日南部一线个别乡镇有暴雪(累计降雪量10~30毫米),同时,西部、北部和南部有8~9级大风,个别高海拔地区阵风达10~11级。 防御措施: 1.相关部门应采取措施,做好防御准备工作。 2.交通、电力、通信等部门应当加强道路、线路巡查维护,做好道路清扫工作,司乘人员请注意道路交通安全。 3.高海拔地区做好牲畜的防寒保暖措施。


The snowfall will reach 6mm or more within 12 hours, or it has reached 6mm or more and the snowfall continues, which may affect traffic or agriculture and animal husbandry.


1. The government and relevant departments implement measures to prevent snow disasters and frost damage in accordance with their duties;

2. Departments of transportation, railways, electric power, communications, etc. should strengthen the inspection and maintenance of roads, railways, and lines, and do a good job in road cleaning and snow melting;

3. Pedestrians should pay attention to cold-proof and anti-skid, and drivers should drive carefully, and the vehicle should take anti-skid measures;

4. The farming and pastoral areas and the planting and breeding industry should prepare enough feed and be prepared for snow disaster and frost damage;

5. Reinforce scaffolding and other temporary structures that are easily compressed by snow