Shandong - China   2025-03-01   Saturday   37.38N, 118.02E


Shandong - China


Issue date: 2025-03-01T10:15+08:00



It may be affected by strong winds within 12 hours, the average wind force can reach 8 or above, or gusts above 9; or it has been affected by strong winds, the average wind is 8-9, or gusts 9-10 and may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job of preventing gale in accordance with their duties;

2. Stop outdoor activities such as outdoor activities and high-altitude dangerous operations. People in dangerous areas and residents of dangerous houses should try their best to turn to shelters for shelter;

3. Water operations in relevant waters and passing ships take active countermeasures to reinforce port facilities to prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision;

4. Cut off outdoor dangerous power sources, properly arrange outdoor objects that are easily affected by strong winds, and cover building materials;

5. Airports, expressways and other units should take measures to ensure traffic safety, and relevant departments and units should pay attention to fire prevention in forests and grasslands.


Issue date: 2025-03-01T09:50+08:00

滨州市气象台2025年03月01日09时50分发布滨城区、高新区、开发区和北海新区寒潮蓝色预警信号。受强冷空气和江淮气旋共同影响,预计1日夜间到4日滨城区、高新区、开发区和北海新区全部乡镇(街道)将出现寒潮天气,2日到4日气温明显下降,最高气温下降14~15℃,最低气温下降9~10℃,4日早晨最低气温-3℃左右;1日夜间到3日夜间东北风较大,内陆地区5级阵风7~8级,北部沿海及海面7级阵风9~10级;2日早晨到夜间,滨城区、高新区、开发区有中雨转小雪,北海新区有小雨转小雪。 此次雨雪、大风和降温天气对交通运输、城市运行、能源保供和设施农业等有不利影响。请注意防范。


Within 48 hours, the minimum temperature will drop by more than 8°C, the lowest temperature is less than or equal to 4°C, and the average wind force on land can reach level 5 or more; or it has dropped by more than 8°C, the minimum temperature is less than or equal to 4°C, and the average wind force can reach level 5 or more, continued.


1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for cold wave prevention in accordance with their duties;

2. Pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm;

3. Take certain protective measures against tropical crops and aquatic products;

4. Make preparations for wind protection.