Hubei - China   2025-01-25   Saturday   32.59N, 110.81E


Hubei - China


Issue date: 2025-01-24T18:52+08:00



When the road surface temperature is lower than 0°C, precipitation occurs, and road icing that affects traffic may occur within 12 hours.


1. The transportation, public security and other departments shall prepare for road icing in accordance with their duties;

2. Drivers should pay attention to road conditions and drive safely;

3. Pedestrians ride bicycles as little as possible when going out, and pay attention to non-slip.


Issue date: 2025-01-24T06:38+08:00

湖北省气象台2025年01月24日06时38分发布寒潮黄色预警:预计1月24日下午至26日,我省自北向南将有寒潮大风和雨雪天气,大部分地区气温下降 6~12℃,其中恩施、宜昌、随州、孝感、武汉、天门、仙桃等地下降 8~10℃,黄石、黄冈、咸宁下降10℃以上,27日全省最低气温降至-6~-2℃。期间有偏北风 4~5级、阵风6~9级,西部和北部山区有雨夹雪或雪,十堰、神农架、襄阳、宜昌等地的高山区有中到大雪、局地暴雪,请相关部门做好能源保供、防风防寒措施,公众做好健康防护。


Within 24 hours, the minimum temperature will drop by more than 10°C, the lowest temperature is less than or equal to 4°C, and the average wind force on land can reach level 6 or more; or it has dropped by more than 10°C, the minimum temperature is less than or equal to 4°C, and the average wind force can reach level 6 or more. continued.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job of preventing cold waves in accordance with their duties;

2. Pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm, and take good care of the old, the weak and the sick;

3. Take cold-proof measures for livestock, poultry, tropical and subtropical fruits and related aquatic products, crops, etc.;

4. Do a good job in wind protection.