Issue date: 2025-02-06T09:01+08:00
陕西省气象台2025年02月06日09时01分升级发布大风黄色预警信号:目前榆林市西部县区、延安市西部县区已受6~8级大风影响,预计下述地区未来24小时内将受大风影响,平均风力6-7级,阵风9级(20.8m/s)以上:延安市安塞区、吴起县、志丹县、子长市,榆林市榆阳区、横山区、神木市、府谷县、定边县、靖边县、绥德县、米脂县、佳县、吴堡县、清涧县、子洲县。同时,预计下述地区平均风力5-6级,阵风7级(13.9m/s)以上:西安市阎良区、临潼区、长安区、鄠邑区、高陵区、蓝田县、周至县,宝鸡市太白县、麟游县、千阳县、陇县、凤县,咸阳市三原县、泾阳县、礼泉县、乾县、永寿县、彬州市、淳化县、旬邑县、长武县,铜川市王益区、印台区、耀州区、宜君县,渭南市临渭区、韩城市、华阴市、华州区、潼关县、大荔县、澄城县、合阳县、蒲城县、富平县、白水县,延安市宝塔区、黄陵县、黄龙县、宜川县、洛川县、富县、甘泉县、延川县、延长县,汉中市洋县、留坝县、佛坪县,安康市宁陕县,商洛市商州区、洛南县、丹凤县、商南县、山阳县、镇安县、柞水县,请注意防范。 另外,未来24小时最低气温陕北下降8-10℃,局地10℃以上,关中北部及东部、陕南东部下降4-6℃,局地6℃以上,请注意防范。
It may be affected by strong winds within 12 hours, the average wind force can reach 8 or above, or gusts above 9; or it has been affected by strong winds, the average wind is 8-9, or gusts 9-10 and may continue.
1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job of preventing gale in accordance with their duties;
2. Stop outdoor activities such as outdoor activities and high-altitude dangerous operations. People in dangerous areas and residents of dangerous houses should try their best to turn to shelters for shelter;
3. Water operations in relevant waters and passing ships take active countermeasures to reinforce port facilities to prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision;
4. Cut off outdoor dangerous power sources, properly arrange outdoor objects that are easily affected by strong winds, and cover building materials;
5. Airports, expressways and other units should take measures to ensure traffic safety, and relevant departments and units should pay attention to fire prevention in forests and grasslands.
Issue date: 2025-02-06T08:39+08:00
It may be affected by strong winds within 24 hours, with an average wind force of 6 or higher, or gusts of 7 or higher; or it has been affected by strong winds, with an average wind of 6-7, or 7-8 gusts and may continue.
1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job of preventing gale in accordance with their duties;
2. Close doors and windows, reinforce hoardings, scaffolds, billboards and other structures that are easily blown by the wind, properly arrange outdoor objects that are easily affected by high winds, and cover building materials;
3. Water operations in relevant waters and passing ships take active countermeasures, such as returning to the port to avoid wind or sailing in a detour, etc.;
4. Pedestrians should avoid riding bicycles as much as possible, and do not stay under billboards, temporary structures, etc. when the wind is blowing;
5. Relevant departments and units pay attention to the fire prevention of forests and grasslands.
Issue date: 2025-02-05T18:19+08:00
Within 48 hours, the minimum temperature will drop by more than 8°C, the lowest temperature is less than or equal to 4°C, and the average wind force on land can reach level 5 or more; or it has dropped by more than 8°C, the minimum temperature is less than or equal to 4°C, and the average wind force can reach level 5 or more, continued.
1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for cold wave prevention in accordance with their duties;
2. Pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm;
3. Take certain protective measures against tropical crops and aquatic products;
4. Make preparations for wind protection.
Tongchuan, Shaanxi, Shaanxi
Yan'an, Shaanxi, Shaanxi
Weinan, Shaanxi, Shaanxi
Yuncheng, Shanxi, Shanxi
Sanmenxia, Henan, Henan
Shangluo, Shaanxi, Shaanxi
Linfen, Shanxi, Shanxi
Guyuan, Ningxia, Ningxia
Lyuliang, Shanxi, Shanxi
Yulin, Shaanxi, Shaanxi