Tibet - China   2025-03-28   Friday   31.21N, 96.60E


Tibet - China


Issue date: 2025-03-27T17:11+08:00

西藏自治区气象局3月27日17时30分发布大风黄色预警: 预计,3月28日08时至3月30日20时,那曲、阿里大部、日喀则大部、山南西部和南部有8~9级大风,其中尼玛、班戈、申扎、双湖、安多、革吉、改则、措勤、仲巴、萨嘎、昂仁、定日、聂拉木等地阵风可达10~12级;拉萨、山南中部和东部、昌都有5~6级阵风,高海拔局地阵风可达7~8级,并伴有扬沙天气。 防御指南: 1.大风和扬沙天气对航空、铁路、公路等交通运输以及电力、通讯设施和城市运行有不利影响,相关部门应采取防御措施保障安全。 2.做好临时搭建物和户外悬挂物等的防风加固。 3.林区、草场、城区注意用火安全,加强防火工作。 4.公众外出注意采取相应的防范。


It may be affected by strong winds within 12 hours, the average wind force can reach 8 or above, or gusts above 9; or it has been affected by strong winds, the average wind is 8-9, or gusts 9-10 and may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job of preventing gale in accordance with their duties;

2. Stop outdoor activities such as outdoor activities and high-altitude dangerous operations. People in dangerous areas and residents of dangerous houses should try their best to turn to shelters for shelter;

3. Water operations in relevant waters and passing ships take active countermeasures to reinforce port facilities to prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision;

4. Cut off outdoor dangerous power sources, properly arrange outdoor objects that are easily affected by strong winds, and cover building materials;

5. Airports, expressways and other units should take measures to ensure traffic safety, and relevant departments and units should pay attention to fire prevention in forests and grasslands.